Our Services

Special Purpose Audit

Special purpose audit refers to those circumstances in which the auditor is required to report on specific financial information for specific purposes to specific users, in comparison with the general audit of financial statements. Special purpose audit engagements, according to the International Standard On Auditing, include audits of:

  • A complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance with another comprehensive basis of accounting;
  • A component of a complete set of general purpose or special purpose financial statements, such as a single financial statement, specified accounts, elements of accounts, or items in a financial statement;
  • Compliance with contractual agreements; and
  • Summarized financial statements.

Typical special purpose audit services we provide include:

  • Review of foreign exchange transactions
  • Audit of contract or agreement compliance
  • Audit of projects funded by a non-profit or government organisation
  • Audit for loan purposes
  • Audit for investment immigration purpose

We also provide due diligence investigation and prepare special audits and reporting for specific purposes.